Ticket Booking Script
Ticket booking script for seat reservation, cinema booking, opera booking, concert booking, halls booking and more.

Ticket Booking Script is the ultimate solution for your ticket booking needs. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, you can easily book tickets for your favorite events in just few clicks.
Our script allows you to choose your preferred seats, view the seating chart, and even select your preferred payment method. You can also view the availability of seats in real-time, ensuring that you never miss out on your favorite event.
With Ticket Booking Script, you can easily manage your bookings, track your sales and view booking statistics. Also we can customize the script to suit your specific needs for reasonable price, making it the perfect solution for your event organizers, ticket sellers and venue owners.
So whether you're looking to book tickets for sold-out concert or sell tickets for your upcoming event, or PHP Ticket booking script is the perfect experience the ultimate ticket booking script.
Ticket Booking Script Features
Version: | 1.8 |
Open source | 100% Open source code |
Operating System | Linux or Windows |
Web Server | Apache or IIS |
PHP | PHP 5.0.0 or higher |
MySQL | MySQL 4.1 or higher |
Ticket Booking Script is open source PHP booking system. With our PHP Ticket booking script you can easily book tickets for your favorites events in just few clicks. PHP Ticket Booking Script is the ultimate solution for all your ticket booking needs. Whether you're looking to book seats for concert, opera, or auditorium events, your script has got you covered.
GZ Support provide FREE Professional Installation on your PHP Ticket Booking Script.
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If you need modifying or adding new features to our php scripts or the development of entirely new web application, we will be happy to discuss your ideas and give you an affordable price for the fastest time of development.