Booking Engine

Accept online booking & manage rooms availability through GZ Multi Hotel Booking System. Manage reservations, rate plans and room type availabilities.

Unlimited hotels and rooms.

Admin can manage all hotels and rooms, Agent can see and manage only own hotels and rooms.

Rooms rate

Add seasonal prices, room capacity in particular date range.

Minimum booking length.

Agent or Admin can set minimum nights that can be booked by guests from Hotel Settings tab.

Deposit and tax.

You can set different different deposit and tax for each hotel. You can choose percent or flat price.

Hotel gallery

You can add unlimited number of photo's for our hotel and room type gallery.

Payment Gateway

Support: PayPal IPN, Authorize, 2Checkout, Offline credit card, Pay on Arrival and Bank account.

Extras management.

Hotel Agent can offer additional extras and services to the hotel. You can add extra per person, per day, per booking, per day/per person


Hotel Agent can manage and offer reservation packages and assign them to rooms. Guests will be able to select and reserve package

Manage discounts.

Agent can offer 4 different type discounts - Early Booking Discount, Long Stay Discount, Discount Room Package and Promo Code.

3 type statistics

Booking statistic, Amount statistic and People statistic.

Email notification.

Email notification to clients and agent, when reservation is create and confirm.

Availability room calendar

Availability room type calendar per hotel.

Multi Currency.

Guests will be able to select currency from the front-end.

Multi language support.

From menu 'Settings' - 'Translate' you can add new language and translate all labels and texts.

Timezone setup

Timezone setup, Date Format setup.

Comission per hotel

Admin can set comission price to active hotel.

Page manager

Admin can add, edit site pages and order menu.

Newsletters system

Create newsletter message and send to all subscribers.

Slider manager.

Admin can manage photo sliders for home page.

System backup.

Create database backup manual or use cron file.

Reviews manager.

Guests can write review for your hotels.

Manage Location.

Allows you to create different top destinations and assign to hotels.

Manage Hotel Facilities, Holiday Types and Special Features.

7 Modern Front-end themes

7 Modern Front-end themes, admin panel and fron-end is optimizaed for the smaller mobile display and touch-screen interface.

Two user access levels

Admin system: full system control
Agent system: can manage own hotels, rooms, reservations, invoices and statistics.

Easy Install Wizard.

Unzip script package and upload on your real server, next follow GZ Install Wizard in 4 steps. GZ Support provide FREE Professional Installation on your web server.

100% Open Source system.

If you are web developer, you may want to modify the GZ Multi Hotel Booking System or ask us for custom modifications.


Get in touch with us to get the ball rolling